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Young child sitting on a couch holding a baby sibling, both smiling and looking at the camera.

Adjusting to Little Brother


When we brought Nolan home our biggest concern was how Aedan would adjust to no longer being an only child. Aedan is a momma’s boy, and has always been very possessive of me around other children. Ryan and I didn’t know what Aedan would do when I needed to hold or nurse Nolan. We thought maybe he would scream, maybe he would cry, or maybe he would pout as he has done in the past when I held other children.

Bringing home baby

We were pleasantly surprised when Aedan did not do any of these things when we brought Nolan home. Aedan has done very well transitioning from an only child to a big brother. In fact, I would say Aedan has embraced his big brother status. He is very concerned and protective of -Nolan, or as he call him, baby No-No. Any time Nolan cries or is upset Aedan comes to tell me. Even if I am holding Aedan when Nolan begins to cry Aedan asks me to “go get No-No” because he is sad. He loves to help bring me my nursing pillow and a receiving blanket when Nolan needs to nurse. He often asks if he can give Nolan a blanket or kiss his head. One of Aedan’s first questions in the morning is, “Where No at?” Recently he has begun asking to help hold Nolan. He loves to sit, hold Nolan, and give him hugs and kisses. His love for his little brother is genuine and pure. It warms my heart anytime he asks to hold him or pats Nolan’s little legs.

Brotherly love

I feel guilty for underestimating Aedan. I still see him as my baby boy, and I believe I forget how big he is getting. He understands more than I have given him credit for. Yes—he is still two and will throw a tantrum when its past nap-time, when he’s hungry, or when he doesn’t get his way; however, he also understands that he loves his family and his new baby brother. I believe now he understands that this is the same baby No-No that he prayed for every night before he was born. I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming and of his love for his brother and family. I hope he will always be as protective and caring of Nolan as he is now. Nolan is so blessed to have such a loving big brother, and I pray that they will always be the best of friends.


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