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Father in a suit holding a newborn baby dressed in blue, standing next to his young child who is playfully posing with a hat indoors.

Happy Father's Day


This Father’s day I couldn’t be more thankful for my husband. Ryan just went back to work after getting to spend Nolan’s first six weeks at home with me on his paternity leave. I am so grateful for all his help these past six weeks. He is the most supportive husband a wife could hope for and a wonderful father to the boys. I never had to change a diaper while we were in the hospital, and for six weeks he got up with Nolan in the night to change his diaper and hand him to me to nurse every single time. This included our first night home when my milk came in and Nolan was up every hour wanting to eat.

He takes time every day to watch the boys so I can take a walk or go for a swim. When I come back I can’t tell you how much it warms my heart to see him playing Batman with Aedan or talking to Nolan. He includes Aedan during all of his projects around the house and lets him “help” run the tractor or the excavator, even though I know it takes twice as long to finish the job. During an evening when Nolan is exceptionally fussy it’s nothing for him to come in and take over allowing me to get some quiet time until it’s time to start nursing again. He gives the boys baths, is always willing to read them books, and often puts Aedan to bed. So Happy Father’s day to my husband and my best friend. Aedan and Nolan couldn’t have a better father. Thank you for all you do.

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