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Two siblings lying on a colorful quilt; the older child wears a "Big Brother" shirt and holds the hand of the baby wearing a "Little Brother" shirt.

Why nursing my second son is not easier


When friends and family ask me if nursing my second son is easier, my response is always no. They often seem surprised by this and ask why. Is it my milk supply? Is Nolan having issues latching? No, my milk supply is great, and Nolan is gaining weight and eating very well. He is well on his way to becoming a happy, chunky baby! The answer why it’s more difficult to nurse baby number two is simple. The answer is Aedan, my happy, spunky, and often demanding toddler. When I nurse Nolan I have issues I never had with Aedan, because I didn’t have a toddler in the house.

  • I now have to wash my pump parts more frequently, because it turns out they double as musical instruments. Yes, Aedan gathers them, puts them in his mouth, and proceeds to play them like a trumpet.
  • I have to explain “what’s that” and have an audience every time I pump. Aedan watches the process very closely, and just when I think he is bored and going to play something else, he unplugs my pump.
  • I am constantly searching for one of my two nursing pillows. Forget the fact that there are twelve other pillows in the living room and at least ten other pillows on Aedan’s bed, my nursing pillows are his favorite.
  • Nursing now includes much more multi-tasking. It never fails that when Nolan starts nursing, Aedan needs milk, a snack, or a boo-boo fixed. Also, when I am in the middle of giving Aedan a bath or reading him a book, Nolan often decides he needs to nurse.

If I sound like I am complaining, I’m not. I could not feel more blessed to be mommy to both Aedan and Nolan. Every day is an adventure. Ryan and I have had a lot of laughs, and I am certain we will have many more. No nursing my second son is not easier, but it is certainly a lot more fun.

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